Warming Up a Cold Marriage
by Paul Tautges | July 30, 2011 7:12 am
“Often I will illustrate the difference between a need and desire this way:
‘If you held me underwater in a swimming pool, I would fight you to the end because I need air. A need is something you cannot live without. But when you elevate desires to the level of needs, there is some form of idolatry going on, and if you don’t repent of your idolatry, that craving will wreck the relationship from which you are trying to extract that perceived need.’
A common rebuttal to the ‘need theory’ concepts [in marriage counseling] is that we need love. What we really need, however, is a relationship with God; if we have that, and the relationship is right, our demands on other humans to meet our cravings for love should not be controlling. If you are resting in the gospel, you can turn the tables on all your relationships; rather than being a deficient taker, you can be an abundant giver. Rather than expecting others to meet your inordinate craving for love, you will be able to love others. You will be Christlike. He did not come here to be loved, but to serve (see Mark 10:45).”
So writes Rick Thomas in his helpful discipleship booklet HELP! My Marriage Has Grown Cold[2].
Read it for the strengthening of your own marriage (we all need warming up at times), in personal one-another ministry (counseling), or in your small group discussions. You’ll be glad you did.
Endnotes:- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Marriage.gif
- HELP! My Marriage Has Grown Cold: http://www.amazon.com/Marriage-Grown-Living-Fallen-Publications/dp/1846252199/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1312027530&sr=1-6
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2011/07/30/warming-up-a-cold-marriage/
Warming Up a Cold Marriage
by Paul Tautges | July 30, 2011 7:12 am
“Often I will illustrate the difference between a need and desire this way:
‘If you held me underwater in a swimming pool, I would fight you to the end because I need air. A need is something you cannot live without. But when you elevate desires to the level of needs, there is some form of idolatry going on, and if you don’t repent of your idolatry, that craving will wreck the relationship from which you are trying to extract that perceived need.’
A common rebuttal to the ‘need theory’ concepts [in marriage counseling] is that we need love. What we really need, however, is a relationship with God; if we have that, and the relationship is right, our demands on other humans to meet our cravings for love should not be controlling. If you are resting in the gospel, you can turn the tables on all your relationships; rather than being a deficient taker, you can be an abundant giver. Rather than expecting others to meet your inordinate craving for love, you will be able to love others. You will be Christlike. He did not come here to be loved, but to serve (see Mark 10:45).”
So writes Rick Thomas in his helpful discipleship booklet HELP! My Marriage Has Grown Cold[2].
Read it for the strengthening of your own marriage (we all need warming up at times), in personal one-another ministry (counseling), or in your small group discussions. You’ll be glad you did.
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2011/07/30/warming-up-a-cold-marriage/