Single Moms
by Paul Tautges | August 27, 2011 2:50 am
[1]Whatever the cause is that brings about a single parenting situation, moms who are parenting alone need our compassionate help, encouragement, and biblical counsel. Therefore, I’m thrilled to let you know about an extremely helpful new booklet that will equip you to minister more effectively to those who face this unique challenge. At only 64-pages, reading this booklet will not demand a huge amount of time for you, or the single mom.
HELP! I’m a Single Mom[2] is written by someone who’s been there and is still doing that. Being a single mom for the past 18 years, Carol Trahan offers compassionate and sound, biblical counsel for other women who share her struggle. In the Introduction, Trahan writes,
When I stood at the marriage altar on June 7, 1986, I had hopes of a long and happy marriage. I actually had a script in mind of how my life would go. Jeff and I would enjoy some time together alone and then we would have children, four of them, at two-yearly intervals. Our whole family would be active in our local church, and our children would, of course, grow up to love and serve the Lord. Once our children were grown Jeff and I would travel and enjoy our grandchildren with a few trials thrown in for good measure. Needless to say, the script I had written for myself never included becoming a widow and a single parent after only eight years of marriage.
When God asked me to accept the assignment of being a widow and a single parent, I had a choice to make in the midst of being confused, heartbroken, and overwhelmed. I had to decide whether to trust God’s sovereign plan, knowing that his wisdom and love are perfect, or rely on my own understanding. Though what happened made no sense in human terms, I chose to anchor my soul on the truth of God’s Word. Several verses were especially meaningful during that time, including the following: What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? … For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord(Romans 8:31–32, 38–40).
God clearly showed his love for me by giving his Son to die for my sins. No trial could separate me from his love. As I pondered this kind of sacrificial love I knew that my heavenly Father could be trusted. By his grace, I chose to embrace this assignment. But what began as a simple commitment became one of the most difficult challenges I’ve ever faced.
Get your copy of this very helpful mini-book[3].
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Single Moms
by Paul Tautges | August 27, 2011 2:50 am
HELP! I’m a Single Mom[2] is written by someone who’s been there and is still doing that. Being a single mom for the past 18 years, Carol Trahan offers compassionate and sound, biblical counsel for other women who share her struggle. In the Introduction, Trahan writes,
Get your copy of this very helpful mini-book[3].
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