Nuggets…on Food & Obesity [12/17/11]

by Paul Tautges | December 16, 2011 10:12 am

Yes, I know Christmas and New Year’s may not be the best time to think about these subjects, but…Oh well…

Weighs to Fight Childhood Obesity[1] – Two specialists at one of our state’s finest medical facilities, Marshfield Clinic, present a 30-minute video about strategies families can take to help fight the increasing population of children that are considered obese or borderline obese.

HELP! I’m a Slave to Food[2] – Biblical counselor and author Shannon McCoy writes, “First, my interest in this topic is very personal. There have been times in my life when I felt I was a slave to food. I tried to use food as a balm for unwanted emotions and to distract me from undesirable responsibilities. It brought a false sense of pleasure and satisfaction, only to end in confusion and betrayal. Then I discovered God’s empowering grace and I am now walking victoriously in the words of Jesus that “life is more than food” (Luke 12:23)…

Why Sitting Down is Killing You[3] (and making us fat) – Since reading this over a week ago I’ve been looking for a good woodworking plan for a stand-up desk. If you know of one please email me. I stole this link from David Murray at [4]

Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid Tool[5] – Cool!

It just occurred to me that it might be a bit ironic that I ate an amazing, thickly white-frosted cinnamon roll while I typed this list. I was feeling so good about having lost 10 pounds that I rewarded myself. Wise? Probably not.

  1. Weighs to Fight Childhood Obesity:
  2. HELP! I’m a Slave to Food:
  3. Why Sitting Down is Killing You:
  4. :
  5. Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid Tool:

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