DADs 2:1 – Let’s Pray for Our Children

by Paul Tautges | January 11, 2012 3:45 pm

I do not doubt that my dad was in the words spoken to Daniel “a man greatly beloved” of the Lord. He walked with God. He communed with God. He spent hours in prayer interceding for the cause of Christ. In his prayer book he would write the names of his family members, his friends and each member of his congregation.  He would pray each day for each of these names, rising early in the morning hour and spending time with God in prayer. I remember what an impact my dad’s prayers had on me prior to my conversion. Leaving for work at about 6:30am in the morning I can still recall my father’s fervent prayers as I walked past his study window each day. What an impression it made upon me. He was indeed an Elijah when it came to prayer. What a blessing his prayers were to so many indeed even to this country.

One friend sent a message after the home-going of my father “A mighty warrior has left our ranks.”  What a call this is for us to take up the challenge to be fervent in prayer; to step into the gap that my father has left and resolve to become prayer warriors; mighty intercessors for the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. May a double portion the Spirit of Elijah that clothed my father fall upon us who are called to labour in the gospel that we might become fervent prayer warriors for our Lord Jesus Christ.

This comes from Jonathan Holdt, son of Pastor Martin Holdt who recently went home to be with the Lord after a sudden and short illness. According to David Murray, of at[1], Pastor Holdt was a much-loved and highly-respected Reformed Baptist pastor in South Africa.[2]

Please take time to read the whole tribute here[3].

Will our sons say the same about us? Let us pray, love, and work, so they will.

  2. Reformed Baptist pastor in South Africa.:
  3. here:

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