BCC Interviews Author of “HELP! My Marriage has Grown Cold”
by Paul Tautges | January 18, 2012 1:53 pm
One of the really neat features of the Biblical Counseling Coalition website[1] is its Author Interview Q&As. Today they interview Rick Thomas, author of HELP! My Marriage Has Grown Cold[2].
BCC: “Rick, this is your first book in the Day One Living in a Fallen World series. Why did you write this particular one?”
RT: “It’s quite simple. Most of the counseling that I do is marriage counseling. This is not as much by my design as it is the reality that most people who seek counseling within the Christian community are married. Whenever two people covenant to live together for the rest of their lives, there will be conflict. Their conflict is not necessarily a problem, as much as a reality when two sinners live in close proximity to each other. My hope with the book is to give these couples some practical biblical help in their time of need.”
Read the rest of the interview here[4].
Endnotes:- website: http://www.biblicalcounselingcoalition.org
- HELP! My Marriage Has Grown Cold: http://www.amazon.com/Marriage-Grown-Living-Fallen-Publications/dp/1846252199/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1326916245&sr=1-1
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Help-My-marriage-has-grown-cold-9781846252198.jpg
- here: http://bit.ly/whdRNN
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2012/01/18/bcc-interviews-author-of-help-my-marriage-has-grown-cold/
BCC Interviews Author of “HELP! My Marriage has Grown Cold”
by Paul Tautges | January 18, 2012 1:53 pm
One of the really neat features of the Biblical Counseling Coalition website[1] is its Author Interview Q&As. Today they interview Rick Thomas, author of HELP! My Marriage Has Grown Cold[2].
BCC: “Rick, this is your first book in the Day One Living in a Fallen World series. Why did you write this particular one?”
RT: “It’s quite simple. Most of the counseling that I do is marriage counseling. This is not as much by my design as it is the reality that most people who seek counseling within the Christian community are married. Whenever two people covenant to live together for the rest of their lives, there will be conflict. Their conflict is not necessarily a problem, as much as a reality when two sinners live in close proximity to each other. My hope with the book is to give these couples some practical biblical help in their time of need.”
Read the rest of the interview here[4].
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2012/01/18/bcc-interviews-author-of-help-my-marriage-has-grown-cold/