The Greatest Physician

by Paul Tautges | February 8, 2012 2:59 am

One of the aspects of this blog ministry I did not anticipate is the interaction I would have with readers via email or posted comments. This has been a tremendous encouragement to me as we strive together to grow in our effectiveness as ministers of God’s truth and grace to one another. The letter below was delivered to my Inbox yesterday. It’s a wonderfully grace-filled, God-glorifying testimony of the Lord as our Healer. It reads somewhat like a modern-day illustration of that poor woman in Mark 5:25-26, who came to Jesus, having spent her every last drachma on medical specialists only to still be in need of healing. Whether or not God provides any secondary means to bring His healing to us, He is always, and ultimately, the One to turn to and trust. Powerful reminder!

Hi Paul,
In having gone through all the options given to people in treating depression I can’t help but hurt to see so many limits placed upon our Heavenly Father. I do believe there is help to a certain degree in counsel and physical problems, but I believe that our Lord is still the Greatest Physician, the wonderful Counselor, our Redeemer and Deliverer. I went through years of battling depression and other “mental issues” only to find that the pill popping, shock therapy, psychiatric solutions used brought upon me greater confusion and imprisonment. Without the power of God these problems are really never uprooted or resolved. There is so much I could share in regards to all this. Like I said, it hurts to see how the “world” is given the place of our primary care physician when our Heavenly Father is being limited and so often left as a last resort. The Lord has brought me through so much in my life and I know He is limitless in His power, love, mercy and grace. Let us all open our hearts and lives to a God that has the greatest plans and purposes for every individual. To Him be the glory now and forever. Amen
Thank you, Paul, for caring for the children of God.

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