8 New Discipleship Counseling Mini-Books
by Paul Tautges | April 4, 2012 6:48 am
As the Consulting Editor for the LifeLine Mini-Book series published by Shepherd Press[1], I am super-excited to introduce you to eight new titles that have just come off the press. I am confident you will find these additions to the series very helpful in your personal, and small-group, one-another ministry.
[2]HELP! I Want to Change[3] (Jim Newheiser) – Change is hard, and our attempts often result in failure. This booklet explains that it is the gospel—what God has done for us—that is the key to change and that empowers us to make changes that will please God.[4]
HELP! Someone I Love has Alzheimer’s[5] (Deborah Howard) – A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease for someone we love can fill us with fear. This booklet will help you understand Alzheimer’s, learn about its practical implications, and, by meditating upon God’s Word, submit to God’s perfect will and find peace and joy along the journey.
[6]HELP! I’m Living with Terminal Illness[7] (Reggie Weems) – We don’t find it easy to face death, and the diagnosis of terminal illness can be devastating. Written with a pastor’s heart for those suffering with a terminal diagnosis and for their family and friends, this booklet conveys advice, consolation, and eternal hope.
HELP! I’m Depressed[8] (Carol Trahan) – Sometimes the circumstances of our lives overwhelm us and we plunge into depression and despair. Is there a way out? This booklet uses biblical examples to show that even in the midst of great sorrow we can trust God’s sovereign purposes, respond in faith, and know peace and even joy.[9]
[10]HELP! I Feel Ashamed[11] (Sue Nicewander) – Do feelings of shame baffle you or hold you hostage? This booklet uses case studies and practical examples to examine the true causes of shame and present hope through Jesus Christ, the Savior who loves you and can restore you, regardless of your past.
HELP! I Can’t Handle All these Trials[12] (Joel James) – “Who is in control? Why did this happen? What is God doing?” Everyone asks questions like these when faced with intense or prolonged trials. In this booklet, you’ll find the answers. They will be just what you need to handle your trials with faith, peace, and hope.[13]
[14]HELP! I Can’t Forgive[15] (Jim Newcomer) – The struggle to forgive someone who has wronged us is universal. What is the answer? A fresh look at the gospel! Join the author as he takes you through a five-stop journey toward biblical forgiveness.[16]
HELP! I Can’t Submit to My Husband[17] (Glenda Hotton) – The world’s idea of a submissive wife is humorous at best. Yet God’s idea is to give her the freedom to be the special person she was created to be. This booklet looks at God’s idea of submission, defines what it does and does not mean…dispels lies, and ends with practical helps.
Be sure to also read author interviews posted by the Biblical Counseling Coalition[18].
See all 24 titles in the series here.
Endnotes:- Shepherd Press: http://www.shepherdpress.com/product-category/lifeline/
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Change-small-email.jpg
- HELP! I Want to Change: http://www.shepherdpress.com/product/i-want-to-change/
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Help-Someone-I-love-has-Alzheimers-email.jpg
- HELP! Someone I Love has Alzheimer’s: http://www.amazon.com/HELP-Someone-Love-has-Alzheimers/dp/1846253233/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1328981393&sr=8-35
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Terminal-Illness-small-email.jpg
- HELP! I’m Living with Terminal Illness: http://www.shepherdpress.com/product/help-im-living-with-terminal-illness/
- HELP! I’m Depressed: http://www.shepherdpress.com/product/help-im-depressed/
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Depressed-small-email.jpg
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Ashamed-small-email.jpg
- HELP! I Feel Ashamed: http://www.shepherdpress.com/product/help-i-feel-ashamed/
- HELP! I Can’t Handle All these Trials: http://www.shepherdpress.com/product/help-i-cant-handle-all-these-trials/
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Cant-Handle-All-these-Trials-small-email.jpg
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Cant-Forgive-small-email.jpg
- HELP! I Can’t Forgive: http://www.shepherdpress.com/product/help-i-cant-forgive/
- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Help-I-cannot-submit-to-my-husband-email.jpg
- HELP! I Can’t Submit to My Husband: http://www.amazon.com/Help-Cant-Submit-My-Husband/dp/1846253217/ref=sr_1_40?ie=UTF8&qid=1328980662&sr=8-40
- Biblical Counseling Coalition: http://biblicalcounselingcoalition.org/books/interviews/
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2012/04/04/8-new-discipleship-counseling-booklets/
8 New Discipleship Counseling Mini-Books
by Paul Tautges | April 4, 2012 6:48 am
As the Consulting Editor for the LifeLine Mini-Book series published by Shepherd Press[1], I am super-excited to introduce you to eight new titles that have just come off the press. I am confident you will find these additions to the series very helpful in your personal, and small-group, one-another ministry.
[2]HELP! I Want to Change[3] (Jim Newheiser) – Change is hard, and our attempts often result in failure. This booklet explains that it is the gospel—what God has done for us—that is the key to change and that empowers us to make changes that will please God.[4]
HELP! Someone I Love has Alzheimer’s[5] (Deborah Howard) – A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease for someone we love can fill us with fear. This booklet will help you understand Alzheimer’s, learn about its practical implications, and, by meditating upon God’s Word, submit to God’s perfect will and find peace and joy along the journey.
[6]HELP! I’m Living with Terminal Illness[7] (Reggie Weems) – We don’t find it easy to face death, and the diagnosis of terminal illness can be devastating. Written with a pastor’s heart for those suffering with a terminal diagnosis and for their family and friends, this booklet conveys advice, consolation, and eternal hope.
HELP! I’m Depressed[8] (Carol Trahan) – Sometimes the circumstances of our lives overwhelm us and we plunge into depression and despair. Is there a way out? This booklet uses biblical examples to show that even in the midst of great sorrow we can trust God’s sovereign purposes, respond in faith, and know peace and even joy.[9]
[10]HELP! I Feel Ashamed[11] (Sue Nicewander) – Do feelings of shame baffle you or hold you hostage? This booklet uses case studies and practical examples to examine the true causes of shame and present hope through Jesus Christ, the Savior who loves you and can restore you, regardless of your past.
HELP! I Can’t Handle All these Trials[12] (Joel James) – “Who is in control? Why did this happen? What is God doing?” Everyone asks questions like these when faced with intense or prolonged trials. In this booklet, you’ll find the answers. They will be just what you need to handle your trials with faith, peace, and hope.[13]
[14]HELP! I Can’t Forgive[15] (Jim Newcomer) – The struggle to forgive someone who has wronged us is universal. What is the answer? A fresh look at the gospel! Join the author as he takes you through a five-stop journey toward biblical forgiveness.[16]
HELP! I Can’t Submit to My Husband[17] (Glenda Hotton) – The world’s idea of a submissive wife is humorous at best. Yet God’s idea is to give her the freedom to be the special person she was created to be. This booklet looks at God’s idea of submission, defines what it does and does not mean…dispels lies, and ends with practical helps.
Be sure to also read author interviews posted by the Biblical Counseling Coalition[18].
See all 24 titles in the series here.
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2012/04/04/8-new-discipleship-counseling-booklets/