Anger Self-Examination Questions

by Paul Tautges | October 26, 2012 1:04 pm

Since earlier this year, each Friday, three men at our church meet over lunch to read through Stuart Scott’s book, The Exemplary Husband[1]. As we near the end of this helpful look at biblical husbanding, we have been studying some of our regrets as husbands. Today’s chapter was on the subject of anger. We found the following list of self-examination questions instructive for our own personal growth, asked in the spirit of Psalm 139:23-24.

  1. Is there anyone I am presently angry with?
  2. What am I angry with them about?
  3. How have I dealt with and responded to that person (or persons)?
  4. What do I typically do when I am angry? How might God be trying to reveal an anger problem to me?
  5. What have been some of the results of my anger?
  6. Do others see me as a critical or impatient person? (Ask them!)
  7. When were the last five times I was angry?
  8. What was my thinking at the time?
  9. What kinds of things provoke me to anger?
  10. Do I need to keep track in the next few weeks of when and why I become angry?
  11. How many of these situations are precipitated by something else I am doing wrong? (irresponsibility, laziness, poor time or money management, wrong treatment of others, etc.)
  1. The Exemplary Husband:

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