Sanctify Them with the Truth

by Paul Tautges | November 15, 2012 6:06 am

One of the fundamental convictions of biblical counseling is belief in the power of the Holy Spirit to change us into the image of Christ by means of the Word of God. Among many Scriptures testifying of this truth is the prayer of the Lord Jesus himself, “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth” (John 17:17). The “them” He refers to here includes His followers at that time and those who would be His disciples in the future (including us). Jesus continues to pray for our growth in holiness and submission to His lordship, which comes about by our obedience to Scripture. Here are four simple summary points that remind us of the importance of Scripture in our lives.

  1. Scripture is pure truth (Ps 119:140, 160). There is no corruption in it. God’s word is inerrant and infallible and, therefore, completely reliable.
  2. Scripture is sufficient for man’s spiritual needs (Ps 19:7-11; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). This conviction should not be held in neglect of prayer or the grace-dispensing fellowship of the saints, but is one of the essentials to spiritual health.
  3. Scripture is the Holy Spirit’s instrument for changing lives for God’s glory (John 17:17). In the “hands” of the Spirit, the two-edged surgical sword of the Word performs heart surgery like no other (Heb 4:12).
  4. Scripture is “more sure” than any religious experience and it is not a matter of one’s own interpretation (2 Pet 1:19-21). Even if you were one of the apostles that witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus right before your very eyes, like Peter, you would still testify that the words of God are the “more sure” word of prophecy.

As we walk our walk of faith—living in fallen bodies that live in a fallen world—what a great comfort to know that Jesus still intercedes for us before the throne of God (Heb 7:25)! His prayers for our sanctification surely continue. Let us remain in the Word.

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