Flying to Atlanta for BCC Leadership Retreat

by Paul Tautges | December 2, 2012 12:50 pm

Like our Wisconsin geese, I am presently flying south to a warmer climate for the annual leadership retreat for the Biblical Counseling Coalition which begins this evening. There will be 39 of us gathering to discuss current issues in biblical counseling as well as look to the future. BCC Executive Director Bob Kellemen has provided this summary of our 2.5 days together.

  1. We will share numerous times of worship and fellowship
  2. We will meet several times in small groups for mutual encouragement and iron sharpening
  3. We will interact in a large group format for three segments of two hours each—discussing how we can grow in our ability to relate God’s Word to people living in a broken world
  4. We will share meals together—connecting as members of Christ’s family
  5. We will envision together—discussing how we can work together to advance the cause of promoting personal change centered on the Person of Christ through the personal ministry of the Word
  6. We will be edified by teaching/equipping from Dr. David Powlison and Dr. Charles Ware

A major part of the BCC’s mission/vision is to promote collaborative relationships. What better way to do that than to get away together at a retreat center (the WinShape Retreat Center) in the context of iron-sharpening-iron connection. We’d appreciate your prayers for all those attending[1].

  1. those attending:

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