The Heart-Transforming Power of the Scriptures

by Paul Tautges | December 12, 2012 10:40 am

A couple weeks ago, in our Tuesday night Intensive Discipleship Training module, we spent time in Psalm 19:7-11 and reflected on the power and adequacy of God’s Word to transform our hearts and souls. We noticed the various titles used, the characteristics of Scripture, the work it performs, and then illustrations of its work found in other Scriptures. It was a blessed time! Consider doing the same in your personal study time or small group discussion.

Verse Title Characteristic Action it performs Illustration
Psalm 19:7 Law of the Lord
Restores the Soul Acts 16:14
Psalm 19:7 Testimony
(bears witness)
Makes wise the simple Proverbs 1:1-2
Hebrews 5:14
Psalm 19:8 Precepts
Right Rejoices the heart John 15:10-11
Psalm 19:8 Commandments
(divine orders)
Pure Enlightens the eyes John 9:35-41
Psalm 19:9 Fear of the Lord Clean Endures forever Isaiah 40:8
Psalm 19:9 Judgments
(God’s justice)
True, righteous altogether Sanctify John 17:17
Psalm 19:10 More desirable than gold Give success Joshua 1:8
Psalm 19:10 Sweeter than honey Jeremiah 15:16
John 4:34
Psalm 19:11 They warn us 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Psalm 19:11 Obedience is rewarded James 1:22-25

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