NUGGETS – Christian Appreciation for Patriotic Holidays [5/27/13]

by Paul Tautges | May 27, 2013 4:24 am

Here are three thoughtful posts that help us think wisely about patriotic holidays.

Thinking Theologically about Memorial Day[1] – Kevin DeYoung demonstrates wisdom when he writes, “Sometimes Christians talk like you should have no loyalty for your country, as if love for your country was always a bad thing. To be sure, this must never be ultimate loyalty. We must always obey God rather than men. But most Christians have understood the fifth commandment to be about honoring not only your parents but all those in authority over you.”

Thoughts on Christian Patriotism[2] – Rick Phillips argues, “Christians should not turn a cold heart away from their nation. In fact, celebrations like those of Independence Day provide a good start for developing a Christian patriotism…. So maybe Christians can be patriots after all! Indeed, we can be, and we should celebrate our national heritage with thanks to God and with prayers for renewed faith and needed repentance.”

Should July 4th Affect Our Service Planning[3]? – Bob Kauflin writes, “…since God’s kingdom is not of this world (Jn. 18:36[4]), we don’t feel any obligation to draw attention to, highlight, or celebrate civil holidays as part of our Sunday gatherings…. However, that doesn’t mean we need to completely ignore civil holidays.”

  1. Thinking Theologically about Memorial Day:
  2. Thoughts on Christian Patriotism:
  3. Should July 4th Affect Our Service Planning:
  4. Jn. 18:36:

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