Gospel Restoration: The Church’s Response to Abuse
by Paul Tautges | September 26, 2013 2:26 pm
[1]Gospel Restoration: The Church’s Response to Abuse is the theme for Central Seminary’s fall conference[2] October 7-8, 2013.
America faces staggering numbers of abuse cases, and the Church must respond to this crisis with integrity, sensitivity, and conviction. While society offers many resources for abuse victims, the church possesses the deepest answer for abuse—the gospel. Speakers will discuss how the church should respond to abuse with the gospel. They will offer rich expositions and practical workshops designed to help ministers lead their church through situations involving abuse.
For more information and to register please visit the conference site[3].
Endnotes:- [Image]: https://counselingoneanother.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Central_Fall_Conference_2013.png
- fall conference: http://www.centralseminary.edu/fallconference
- conference site: http://www.centralseminary.edu/fallconference
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2013/09/26/gospel-restoration-the-churchs-response-to-abuse/
Gospel Restoration: The Church’s Response to Abuse
by Paul Tautges | September 26, 2013 2:26 pm
America faces staggering numbers of abuse cases, and the Church must respond to this crisis with integrity, sensitivity, and conviction. While society offers many resources for abuse victims, the church possesses the deepest answer for abuse—the gospel. Speakers will discuss how the church should respond to abuse with the gospel. They will offer rich expositions and practical workshops designed to help ministers lead their church through situations involving abuse.
For more information and to register please visit the conference site[3].
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2013/09/26/gospel-restoration-the-churchs-response-to-abuse/