NUGGETS [5/20/14]

by Paul Tautges | May 20, 2014 6:07 am

Here’s a handful of articles to encourage your personal growth and your one-another ministry.

Thomas Nettles Retires from SBTS[1] – At the Books At a Glance site, Fred Zaspel interviews a faithful man of God and seminary professor. Be sure to also read Dr. Al Mohler’s brief tribute[2] to Dr. Nettles.

Is It a Sin to Be Afraid[3] – A 2-minute video from Ed Welch helps us turn to the Lord in our times of fear.

Battered Pastors[4] – Here is Part 4 of an important series from Todd Pruitt. Try to find time to read the previous three posts as well. Then spend time praying for your church–both the shepherds and sheep.

5 Dos and Don’ts of Social Anxiety [5]– Hayley Satram gently counsels those who choose to live in the prison of fearing people.

Four and a Half Books I Should Not Have Read as a New Christian[6] – Aaron Armstrong: “Reading books is good for new Christians, but our reading is only as profitable as the books we’re reading are helpful.”

  1. Thomas Nettles Retires from SBTS:
  2. tribute:
  3. Is It a Sin to Be Afraid:
  4. Battered Pastors:
  5. 5 Dos and Don’ts of Social Anxiety :
  6. Four and a Half Books I Should Not Have Read as a New Christian:

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