New Mini-Book Display Is Ideal for Churches

by Paul Tautges | September 30, 2015 4:41 am

John MacArthur recently gave these words of praise for the LifeLine mini-books: “These little books are directly targeted to the issues that we all face and they hit the bulls-eye. They are faithful to Scripture and they demonstrate insight into its application. Churches need to make these available for their congregations.” As the consulting editor for this series, I’m pleased to inform you that Shepherd Press is making it easier than ever for churches and training centers to make these books more accessible, and just in time for the ACBC annual conference in Louisville, next week. This special offer includes a beautiful, free display unit filled with 64 of the LifeLine mini-books[1] for only $199.00 (a savings of $56.00), as well as:LLMBdisplayRack3Dweb72[2]

If you plan to be in Louisville next week, be sure to stop by the Shepherd Press table. If not, check out this offer here[3]. Don’t waste time. Offer expires November 30th.

  1. LifeLine mini-books:
  2. [Image]:
  3. here:

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