Nuggets of Wisdom [11/4/15]

by Paul Tautges | November 4, 2015 7:49 am

For Women: Buying and Selling Jesus on the Cheap[1] – At the True Woman blog, Kim Jaggers asks, “Why are so many young adults leaving the church and deciding Jesus really isn’t for them? Perhaps they are willing to ‘sell Him so cheaply’ because they also ‘bought Him so cheaply.'” Though directed at the True Woman audience, this article should be read by all.

For Pastors: Are There Different Paths to Pastoral Ministry?[2] – “I didn’t attend seminary. I didn’t serve in an internship. I got hammered in hard churches and got good faithful pastoral mentoring outside of the local churches of which I served. I didn’t realize it at the time, but God in his wise and kind providence was preparing me for a unique ministry.”

For Everyone: Moving Beyond “God won’t give you more than you can handle”[3] – Been saying this for years, thought I was the only one. Colin Mattoon nails it.

  1. Buying and Selling Jesus on the Cheap:
  2. Are There Different Paths to Pastoral Ministry?:
  3. Moving Beyond “God won’t give you more than you can handle”:

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