The Book Is Here
by Paul Tautges | February 1, 2016 7:46 am
It’s a thrill for me to let you know that the book Counseling One Another: A Theology of Inter-Personal Discipleship[1] (Revised and Updated edition) has been released by Shepherd Press.
Read the following endorsements from pastors and Christian leaders:
“This book gets it right! Comprehensive and convincing, it shows how true biblical counseling and preaching fit hand-in-glove.” – Dr. John MacArthur, pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California; author; and Bible teacher on the Grace to You
“Paul Tautges lays the theological foundation for biblical counseling—in a way that is both comprehensive and compassionate. This book demonstrates a staunch commitment to an expository, exegetical examination of counseling as presented in God’s Word. Any pastor or lay person wanting a foundational starting point for understanding Christ-centered, comprehensive, and compassionate biblical counseling in the local church would be wise to read and reread Counseling One Another.” – Bob Kellemen, Ph.D., Crossroads Bible College; Author of Gospel-Centered Counseling
“Do you want the members of your community of faith to effectively serve each another in love? This book is aimed at equipping them to do that. It is a primer on the balance of features that biblically committed discipling must include. Paul Tautges shows that counseling, not in a clinical, professional or technical sense, but in the ‘one-anothering’ sense, is suffused with discipleship. They can’t be separated. Counseling is one integral, unavoidable, needed component for the building up of the body. Counterfeits abound. Tautges warns us about them. But the positive force of this book fleshes out sound biblical features of ‘one-another’ counseling within a ministry committed to Scripture, the cross, and the church.” – Rick Horne, D.Min., TUMI-Chester, Site Coordinator/Professor
“Counseling One Another, addresses a serious deficiency in the discipleship ministry of Christians within the church. It advocates a radical departure from the status quo and a return to an authentic personal ministry of the Word among Christians through discipleship counseling. It effectively lays the theological foundation for Christians regaining the New Testament priority of addressing personal soul troubles with biblical counsel.” – Dr. John D. Street, Chair, Graduate Program in Biblical Counseling, The Master’s College and Seminary, Santa Clarita, California
“A gathering storm surrounds the day in which we live, a dark hour in which the absolute sufficiency of the Scripture has come under attack. But how refreshing—and rare—to see a book like this that asserts the irresistible power of God’s Word to develop true discipleship by the sovereign working of His Spirit. This is not a ‘trendy book’ like so many, blown about by the prevailing evangelical winds. Rather, here is an anchor for authentic ministry that will stimulate real spiritual growth in God’s people.” – Dr. Steven J. Lawson, President of One Passion Ministries; speaker; and author of many books, including Famine in the Land, The Expository Genius of John Calvin, and Foundations of Grace
“The ministry of counseling has for too long been relegated to the professional counselor. Paul Tautges brings the biblical command for discipleship right back to the local church and to all believers. This book is a must-read for all who take the Matthew 28 Great Commission seriously.” – Dr. Ron Allchin, ACBC Fellow, Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Center, Arlington Heights, Illinois
“Paul Tautges’ book is readable, accessible, practical, and biblical. More than just a handbook for Christian counselors, Counseling One Another encourages and enables the church to address the need for biblical discipleship. Loaded with information and application, this is an excellent workbook for all Christians who are seeking to grow in grace and take their rightful place in the body of Christ.” – Dr. Jim Winter, UK pastor for over thirty years, international lecturer, and author of Opening Up Ecclesiastes, Depression: A Rescue Plan
Endnotes:- Counseling One Another: A Theology of Inter-Personal Discipleship:
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The Book Is Here
by Paul Tautges | February 1, 2016 7:46 am
It’s a thrill for me to let you know that the book Counseling One Another: A Theology of Inter-Personal Discipleship[1] (Revised and Updated edition) has been released by Shepherd Press.
Read the following endorsements from pastors and Christian leaders:
“This book gets it right! Comprehensive and convincing, it shows how true biblical counseling and preaching fit hand-in-glove.” – Dr. John MacArthur, pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California; author; and Bible teacher on the Grace to You
“Paul Tautges lays the theological foundation for biblical counseling—in a way that is both comprehensive and compassionate. This book demonstrates a staunch commitment to an expository, exegetical examination of counseling as presented in God’s Word. Any pastor or lay person wanting a foundational starting point for understanding Christ-centered, comprehensive, and compassionate biblical counseling in the local church would be wise to read and reread Counseling One Another.” – Bob Kellemen, Ph.D., Crossroads Bible College; Author of Gospel-Centered Counseling
“Do you want the members of your community of faith to effectively serve each another in love? This book is aimed at equipping them to do that. It is a primer on the balance of features that biblically committed discipling must include. Paul Tautges shows that counseling, not in a clinical, professional or technical sense, but in the ‘one-anothering’ sense, is suffused with discipleship. They can’t be separated. Counseling is one integral, unavoidable, needed component for the building up of the body. Counterfeits abound. Tautges warns us about them. But the positive force of this book fleshes out sound biblical features of ‘one-another’ counseling within a ministry committed to Scripture, the cross, and the church.” – Rick Horne, D.Min., TUMI-Chester, Site Coordinator/Professor
“Counseling One Another, addresses a serious deficiency in the discipleship ministry of Christians within the church. It advocates a radical departure from the status quo and a return to an authentic personal ministry of the Word among Christians through discipleship counseling. It effectively lays the theological foundation for Christians regaining the New Testament priority of addressing personal soul troubles with biblical counsel.” – Dr. John D. Street, Chair, Graduate Program in Biblical Counseling, The Master’s College and Seminary, Santa Clarita, California
“A gathering storm surrounds the day in which we live, a dark hour in which the absolute sufficiency of the Scripture has come under attack. But how refreshing—and rare—to see a book like this that asserts the irresistible power of God’s Word to develop true discipleship by the sovereign working of His Spirit. This is not a ‘trendy book’ like so many, blown about by the prevailing evangelical winds. Rather, here is an anchor for authentic ministry that will stimulate real spiritual growth in God’s people.” – Dr. Steven J. Lawson, President of One Passion Ministries; speaker; and author of many books, including Famine in the Land, The Expository Genius of John Calvin, and Foundations of Grace
“The ministry of counseling has for too long been relegated to the professional counselor. Paul Tautges brings the biblical command for discipleship right back to the local church and to all believers. This book is a must-read for all who take the Matthew 28 Great Commission seriously.” – Dr. Ron Allchin, ACBC Fellow, Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Center, Arlington Heights, Illinois
“Paul Tautges’ book is readable, accessible, practical, and biblical. More than just a handbook for Christian counselors, Counseling One Another encourages and enables the church to address the need for biblical discipleship. Loaded with information and application, this is an excellent workbook for all Christians who are seeking to grow in grace and take their rightful place in the body of Christ.” – Dr. Jim Winter, UK pastor for over thirty years, international lecturer, and author of Opening Up Ecclesiastes, Depression: A Rescue Plan
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