Divine Remedies for Anxiety, Part 3

by Paul Tautges | October 20, 2016 10:25 am

In the previous two posts, we took heed to several of God’s commands and admonitions found in Philippians 4:4-7, which are related to the human struggle with anxiety. On Tuesday[1], we took note of every believer’s obligation to rejoice at all times (v. 4) and our calling to be people who are known for their gentleness (v. 5). Yesterday[2], we examined in detail the two-fold command to not be anxious about anything, but prayerful about everything. Today, let’s consider the promised result of this life of habitual prayer: inner peace.

As dependent children, we must make our specific requests known to God; we must verbalize our needs to Him while recognizing that confidence in prayer comes from Christ, not from ourselves (1 John 5:15). God knows our needs, but there are many times He will not meet them apart from prayer. He is absolutely sovereign, but in His sovereignty God has also ordained that some things not happen until we pray.


What will be the result of this kind of prayer? The peace of God will take control of our heart and mind, forcing anxious thoughts to leave and keeping new ones from entering in. This peace comes through prayer and has three characteristics.

Are you at peace with God? If not, you will never experience the peace of God to overcome anxiety. This peace is in Christ. Turn to Him today in repentance and faith.

If you are already saved by Christ then rest in the peace that He has already provided. Remember His promise: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)


So what has the Holy Spirit taught us these past few days?

  1. First, we are commanded to rejoice. This joy is a choice of the mind and will. It is an affection of the heart that comes to those who are in Christ. Therefore, when we are walking in the Spirit we can overcome any fears we may have, and not allow our circumstances to control our emotions.
  2. Second, as followers of Christ we should be known for our gentleness and meekness. Being angry and hateful makes the gospel look ugly. Let us be sure our demeanor makes the gospel attractive.
  3. Finally, as we learn to cast all our cares upon God in prayer His peace will force anxiety out of our mind and heart, leaving no room to be consumed with worry. God-dependent prayer is a key element in the divine remedy for anxiety.

Go to Him in prayer and let Him send His peace to set up a guard around your heart that says to worry, “You are no longer allowed entrance. Do not disturb the peace.”

  1. Tuesday: https://counselingoneanother.com/2016/10/18/divine-remedies-for-anxiety-part-1/
  2. Yesterday: https://counselingoneanother.com/2016/10/19/divine-remedies-for-anxiety-part-2/
  3. here.: https://cornerstonemayfield.org/resources/sermons

Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2016/10/20/divine-remedies-for-anxiety-part-3/