14 Steps to Financial Freedom
by Paul Tautges | July 11, 2017 10:38 pm
This past weekend, Jim Rickard from Stewardship Services Foundation taught four times at our church. Here’s a quick bullet point list from his workshop on financial freedom. The 38-minute audio file is here[1] (If you are a Firefox user and have trouble with the download, try Chrome of IE).
- Give God a chance first.

- Learn to save money.
- Learn to spend less than you earn.
- Don’t finance pleasure items.
- Have cash in an emergency fund.
- Control your credit cards.
- Have adequate life insurance to protect your family.
- Be self-insured for life insurance by age 65 or retirement.
- Have retirement plan in progress by age 40.
- Own your home by age 65 or retirement.
- Have a workable budget – the keys are discipline and control.
- There is a difference between debt and obligations.
- Understand the tax law as it applies to you.
- Have an estate plan that includes a will and/or living trust.
Use these principles to develop a financial plan for your life. To learn more about the ministry of the Stewardship Services Foundation, check out their website[2].
RECOMMENDED MINI-BOOK: HELP! I’m Drowning in Debt[3]
Endnotes:- here: http://cornerstonemayfield.org/church-sermons/message/353
- website: http://www.ssfoundation.net
- HELP! I’m Drowning in Debt: https://www.biblicalcounselingbooks.com/products/help-i-m-drowning-in-debt
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2017/07/11/14-steps-to-financial-freedom/
14 Steps to Financial Freedom
by Paul Tautges | July 11, 2017 10:38 pm
This past weekend, Jim Rickard from Stewardship Services Foundation taught four times at our church. Here’s a quick bullet point list from his workshop on financial freedom. The 38-minute audio file is here[1] (If you are a Firefox user and have trouble with the download, try Chrome of IE).
Use these principles to develop a financial plan for your life. To learn more about the ministry of the Stewardship Services Foundation, check out their website[2].
RECOMMENDED MINI-BOOK: HELP! I’m Drowning in Debt[3]
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2017/07/11/14-steps-to-financial-freedom/