by Paul Tautges | April 11, 2018 3:30 am
Racism, Sin & Scripture: A Response to Thabiti Anyabwile[1]
[2] – “Any teaching or encouragement to look on any human as less than an image-bearer of God who has dignity and is worthy of respect is guilty of bearing false witness and breaks the 9th Commandment. Anyone who subjects another person to unjustified violence on the basis of skin color is guilty of murder and breaks the 6th Commandment. Anyone who, simply on the basis of skin color, prevents access to opportunities or resources that belong lawfully to people is guilty of stealing and breaks the 8th Commandment.”
Cultivating Praise in Marriage[3] – “Genuine praise and verbalized thankfulness are like marital fertilizer.”
Endnotes:- Racism, Sin & Scripture: A Response to Thabiti Anyabwile:
- [Image]:
- Cultivating Praise in Marriage:
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by Paul Tautges | April 11, 2018 3:30 am
Racism, Sin & Scripture: A Response to Thabiti Anyabwile[1]
[2] – “Any teaching or encouragement to look on any human as less than an image-bearer of God who has dignity and is worthy of respect is guilty of bearing false witness and breaks the 9th Commandment. Anyone who subjects another person to unjustified violence on the basis of skin color is guilty of murder and breaks the 6th Commandment. Anyone who, simply on the basis of skin color, prevents access to opportunities or resources that belong lawfully to people is guilty of stealing and breaks the 8th Commandment.”
Cultivating Praise in Marriage[3] – “Genuine praise and verbalized thankfulness are like marital fertilizer.”
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