by Paul Tautges | April 16, 2018 8:22 am
What Happens to Your Body on No Sleep[1] – “Details aside, one thing’s for sure: When you don’t sleep, your body revolts.”
The Power of Our Criticism[2] – “When we criticize our brothers and sisters in Christ under the guise of insight, we pollute the Church.”
Facial recognition tech picks a suspect out of a crowd of 50,000 in China[3] – The Person of Interest TV series was not science fiction.
How to Turn Weeping into Witnessing[4] – The stages of grief, as seen in Psalm 130.
Endnotes:- [Image]What Happens to Your Body on No Sleep:
- The Power of Our Criticism:
- Facial recognition tech picks a suspect out of a crowd of 50,000 in China:
- How to Turn Weeping into Witnessing:
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by Paul Tautges | April 16, 2018 8:22 am
The Power of Our Criticism[2] – “When we criticize our brothers and sisters in Christ under the guise of insight, we pollute the Church.”
Facial recognition tech picks a suspect out of a crowd of 50,000 in China[3] – The Person of Interest TV series was not science fiction.
How to Turn Weeping into Witnessing[4] – The stages of grief, as seen in Psalm 130.
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