NUGGETS (4/25/2018)
by Paul Tautges | April 25, 2018 5:10 am
The Empty Pursuit of Forgiving Yourself[1] – “If you can free yourself from guilt by forgiving yourself, then you are doing a work you were not called to do. Jesus says that no work is sufficient to take away your guilt, only His perfect sacrifice.”
J.D. Greear on Signs of a Church’s Faithfulness[2] – a 2-minute video worth watching
The Gospel for Moving Targets[3] – Hands-on devotional lessons designed for children who struggle to sit still
Endnotes:- [Image]The Empty Pursuit of Forgiving Yourself:
- J.D. Greear on Signs of a Church’s Faithfulness:
- The Gospel for Moving Targets:
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NUGGETS (4/25/2018)
by Paul Tautges | April 25, 2018 5:10 am
J.D. Greear on Signs of a Church’s Faithfulness[2] – a 2-minute video worth watching
The Gospel for Moving Targets[3] – Hands-on devotional lessons designed for children who struggle to sit still
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