by Paul Tautges | April 30, 2018 8:30 am
The Consequences of Gendercide in China and India[1] – “Men in those countries, the most populous nations on earth, outnumber women by 70 million. That means 70 million men have no prospects for marriage, which is causing unforeseen social, psychological, and cultural problems.”
My Son’s Down Syndrome Showed Me the Real Imago Dei[2] – “People with Down syndrome neither understand nor practice malice, greed, jealousy, or deception the way others do. They speak out of an unmasked honesty. They love without the pretentious and self-protective impairments that taint our relationships.”
Endnotes:- [Image]The Consequences of Gendercide in China and India:
- My Son’s Down Syndrome Showed Me the Real Imago Dei:
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by Paul Tautges | April 30, 2018 8:30 am
My Son’s Down Syndrome Showed Me the Real Imago Dei[2] – “People with Down syndrome neither understand nor practice malice, greed, jealousy, or deception the way others do. They speak out of an unmasked honesty. They love without the pretentious and self-protective impairments that taint our relationships.”
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