by Paul Tautges | May 22, 2018 8:25 am
Note: Due to travel and writing projects, I will not be blogging very often this week. In the meantime, remember the category list in the right margin which makes it easier to peruse thousands of previous articles to encourage your growth and one-another ministry.
Only 2% of Deaf People have “Heard” the Gospel[1] – The statistics from the Deaf Bible Society blew me away. Take a few minutes to poke around their website.
Humility before God[2] – “In the spiritual life, there exists a fundamental prerequisite for relating to God, and if there is any single key condition for authentic holy living it would be the virtue of humility.”
Love the Lord Your God[3] – Last Sunday’s sermon introduction to the Ten Commandments.
Twelve Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age[4] – “Along with this delayed adulthood and prolonged adolescence, the iGen is marked by a few other things.”
Endnotes:- Only 2% of Deaf People have “Heard” the Gospel:
- Humility before God:
- Love the Lord Your God:
- Twelve Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age:
Source URL:
by Paul Tautges | May 22, 2018 8:25 am
Only 2% of Deaf People have “Heard” the Gospel[1] – The statistics from the Deaf Bible Society blew me away. Take a few minutes to poke around their website.
Humility before God[2] – “In the spiritual life, there exists a fundamental prerequisite for relating to God, and if there is any single key condition for authentic holy living it would be the virtue of humility.”
Love the Lord Your God[3] – Last Sunday’s sermon introduction to the Ten Commandments.
Twelve Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age[4] – “Along with this delayed adulthood and prolonged adolescence, the iGen is marked by a few other things.”
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