“Discipling the Flock” on TGC’s Featured Book List
by Paul Tautges | September 6, 2018 10:09 am

Yesterday, I was honored to see “Discipling the Flock” included on The Gospel Coalition’s list of New Books You Should Know[1]. Here’s the brief review:
Church elders need focus. Their work must be shaped in every way by the priorities and responsibilities given them by the Chief Shepherd himself. That’s what Paul Tautges writes to remind us of in his newest book. He writes briefly, and he’s right on target. An excellent little book for every church member and—most importantly—for every church leader. Elder boards would do well to work through this little book together—their churches would be well served by it.
Several weeks ago, I enjoyed being interviewed by Fred Zaspel of Books At a Glance. You can read or listen to that interview[2].
Amazon has the book in Kindle, but the softcover can be purchased from these excellent online stores:
- Cumberland Valley Bible & Books[3]
- WTS Books (Westminster)[4]
Endnotes:- New Books You Should Know: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/new-books-know-august-2018/
- read or listen to that interview: http://www.booksataglance.com/author-interviews/interview-with-paul-tautges-author-of-discipling-the-flock-a-call-to-faithful-shepherding/
- Cumberland Valley Bible & Books: https://www.cvbbs.com/products/discipling-the-flock-a-call-to-faithful-shepherding-tautges-paul?_pos=1&_sid=f02802375&_ss=r
- WTS Books (Westminster): https://www.wtsbooks.com/discipling-flock-paul-tautges-9781633421424?utm_source=jzaspel&utm_medium=blogpartners
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2018/09/06/discipling-the-flock-on-tgcs-featured-book-list/
“Discipling the Flock” on TGC’s Featured Book List
by Paul Tautges | September 6, 2018 10:09 am
Yesterday, I was honored to see “Discipling the Flock” included on The Gospel Coalition’s list of New Books You Should Know[1]. Here’s the brief review:
Church elders need focus. Their work must be shaped in every way by the priorities and responsibilities given them by the Chief Shepherd himself. That’s what Paul Tautges writes to remind us of in his newest book. He writes briefly, and he’s right on target. An excellent little book for every church member and—most importantly—for every church leader. Elder boards would do well to work through this little book together—their churches would be well served by it.
Several weeks ago, I enjoyed being interviewed by Fred Zaspel of Books At a Glance. You can read or listen to that interview[2].
Amazon has the book in Kindle, but the softcover can be purchased from these excellent online stores:
Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2018/09/06/discipling-the-flock-on-tgcs-featured-book-list/