ANNOUNCING the First Two Disability-Themed LifeLine Mini-Books
by Paul Tautges | April 10, 2019 6:20 am
Here is exciting news for those affected by disabilities, and those who minister to them. In partnership with Joni & Friends, many have been working diligently to begin a new category within the LifeLine Mini-Books. The first two are now available.
HELP! Disability Pressures Our Marriage[1]
Disability enters families in many different ways. Perhaps a genetic abnormality results in a child being born with a disability. Or perhaps a work injury renders a husband or wife unemployable or in need of 24/7 care. The possibilities are endless. Regardless of the cause, however, disability adds pressure to the marriage relationship. This mini-book is a gift to couples who are looking for biblical help to learn how to respond to their “new normal.”
Authored by Ernie Baker, DMin, Westminister Theological Seminary, has served in pastoral ministry since 1980. He currently serves as Pastor of Counseling at First Baptist of Jacksonville, Florida, where he helps to oversee pastoral care and the Grace Center for Biblical Counseling.
HELP! My Grandchild has a Disabilty[3]
Kings and queens wear crowns, but the Bible says grandkids are crowns to
their grandparents (Prov. 17:6). But what if your crown is not what you
expected? What if your grandchild has a disability? This mini-book
offers grandparents their rightful place as kings and queens to their
families. If the Lord has blessed you with a grandchild that has a
disability, then roll up your sleeves and get ready to polish that
precious and beautiful crown!
Authored by Dave Deuel, Ph.D., is Senior Research Fellow – Policy and Publications, the Christian Institute at Joni and Friends, and Academic Dean Emeritus, the Master’s Academy International. In addition to serving in seminary and pastoral ministry he also serves in advisory and policy roles for disability organizations including the State Council on Disability for California.
Order these encouraging little books, or any of the other 33 Lifeline mini-books from Shepherd Press by clicking here.[5]
ANNOUNCING the First Two Disability-Themed LifeLine Mini-Books
by Paul Tautges | April 10, 2019 6:20 am
Here is exciting news for those affected by disabilities, and those who minister to them. In partnership with Joni & Friends, many have been working diligently to begin a new category within the LifeLine Mini-Books. The first two are now available.
HELP! Disability Pressures Our Marriage[1]
Disability enters families in many different ways. Perhaps a genetic abnormality results in a child being born with a disability. Or perhaps a work injury renders a husband or wife unemployable or in need of 24/7 care. The possibilities are endless. Regardless of the cause, however, disability adds pressure to the marriage relationship. This mini-book is a gift to couples who are looking for biblical help to learn how to respond to their “new normal.”
Authored by Ernie Baker, DMin, Westminister Theological Seminary, has served in pastoral ministry since 1980. He currently serves as Pastor of Counseling at First Baptist of Jacksonville, Florida, where he helps to oversee pastoral care and the Grace Center for Biblical Counseling.
HELP! My Grandchild has a Disabilty[3]
Kings and queens wear crowns, but the Bible says grandkids are crowns to their grandparents (Prov. 17:6). But what if your crown is not what you expected? What if your grandchild has a disability? This mini-book offers grandparents their rightful place as kings and queens to their families. If the Lord has blessed you with a grandchild that has a disability, then roll up your sleeves and get ready to polish that precious and beautiful crown!
Authored by Dave Deuel, Ph.D., is Senior Research Fellow – Policy and Publications, the Christian Institute at Joni and Friends, and Academic Dean Emeritus, the Master’s Academy International. In addition to serving in seminary and pastoral ministry he also serves in advisory and policy roles for disability organizations including the State Council on Disability for California.
Order these encouraging little books, or any of the other 33 Lifeline mini-books from Shepherd Press by clicking here.[5]
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