10 Distinctives of Biblical Soul Care (Counseling)

by Paul Tautges | May 13, 2019 1:10 am

People often ask me how biblical counseling differs from other approaches to soul care. Here’s a summary I’ve been teaching for almost two decades, which I hope will help you grow in understanding sanctification. This week, look up the Scriptures listed and meditate on God’s abundant provision through the Spirit and the Word. See how each piece fits together. This study will be a healthy meal for your soul.

Biblical soul care convictions:

1. The Bible is the final and sufficient source of truth.

2. Man is depraved, accountable to God, and responsible for his thoughts and actions.

3. God’s goal for every believer is to be like Jesus Christ.

4. The Holy Spirit is the agent of heart change, who empowers us to change our behavior.

5. Every Christian is fully equipped in Christ for godliness, but submission to God’s training is required.

6. Progressive sanctification requires ongoing repentance and personal discipline toward godliness.

7. Biblical love and compassion motivate believers to restore one another to an obedient, fruitful walk.

8. God’s wisdom is necessary to minister to various people who experience myriad problems and needs.

9. God created us both body and soul, which impact each other.

10. The local family of God is the ideal, but not only, place for this one-another ministry of love.

As you can see, the above-bulleted list is simply a summary. These concepts are more fully developed in Counseling One Another: A Theology of Inter-personal Discipleship[1].

[This updated article was originally published on this blog on July 1, 2001.]

  1. Counseling One Another: A Theology of Inter-personal Discipleship: https://www.shepherdpress.com/products/counseling-one-another/

Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2019/05/13/10-distinctives-of-biblical-counseling/