WEEK 5: Singing with Your Family

by Paul Tautges | June 5, 2020 11:28 am

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 commands parents to instill biblical truth into their children’s hearts and minds as part of the normal rhythm of life. Therefore, the fifth chapter of SING! How Worship Transforms You Life, Family, and Church [1]aims to help and exhort parents to follow this command.

Worship at Home Strengthens Worship at Church

“The church should be a feasting place for singable songs, and the appetite for it is nurtured at home.” In other words, the more that Christian parents worship the Lord musically at home, the greater blessing they will be to their church family and the gathered worship experience. Music has a way of getting its message into the nooks and crannies of our hearts. “Songs help us train children in the ‘language’ of the Christian faith. What we want to teach our kids travels deeper inside them when we sing it rather than only speak it to them.”

Parents, Especially Fathers, Must Set the Example

“While our faith must be taught, it is also ‘caught’ in our homes through what our kids see and hear from us. And singing is catchy. So sing with your kids. You don’t need to be able to sing well. Our singing always remains more important than the sound it makes.” If you are wondering what songs to sing, the Gettys encourage us this way: “Sing what you like, what you enjoy singing, the songs that are good for your spiritual well-being.” When it comes to the example of the parents, father must especially take heed to how their example sets the spiritual tone in their home and for the future of their children.

We have noticed many times that when parents, and particularly fathers, do not sing, it often leads to older kids inheriting similar tepid responses that sadly often go far beyond just the singing. Be a parent who sings with joy, and pray that your kids, of whatever age, would follow you—not just in the singing, but in the faith that brings such joy.

Singing Strengthens Family Bonds

Singing songs of worship together as a family forms bonds that transcend generational differences, and can create traditions that continue for generations to come. “We believe that singing is transformative. In a culture where the bonds of family are often brittle, singing together can put strength in our arms as we hold on to each other.”

Ten Practical Ideas

The chapter closes with the following practical ideas, which are fully explained in the book, though I only list them here.

  1. Use all the help and opportunities you can get.
  2. Teach your kids songs you want them to grow old with.
  3. Talk about what you’re doing and what the songs means.
  4. Prepare for Sunday services.
  5. Model passionate participation in the services.
  6. Be aware of all the music your kids are into.
  7. If your kids are into music, encourage them.
  8. If your church has a children’s choir, support it if you can.
  9. Cultivate high opinions of all types of art.
  10. Sing today.

Don’t wait to begin singing at home!

*If you would like to join in with the reading, get yourself a copy of SING! How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church[2].

  1. SING! How Worship Transforms You Life, Family, and Church : https://www.cvbbs.com/products/sing-getty-keith-and-kristyn?_pos=1&_sid=11ca09476&_ss=r
  2. SING! How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church: https://www.cvbbs.com/products/sing-getty-keith-and-kristyn?_pos=1&_sid=a4ab57e33&_ss=r

Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2020/06/05/week-5-singing-with-your-family/