by Paul Tautges | August 13, 2020 7:20 am
Here are a few articles that will encourage your growth in the grace and knowledge of Christ.
Lord, Heal Our Dry Eyes[1] – “My tears and my lack of tears are telling: I tend not to love others like Paul loved, and tend not to be as humble as he was.”
When Will Change Take Place?[2] – “Ultimately, change is God’s work. While we are responsible for using biblical means to pursue holiness, we are completely dependent upon the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit to give us success in his perfect timing.”
Consider Wildflowers[3] – “From well-warranted terror to social anxiety, we all know fear. Fear upticks our heartbeat, breathing, and agitates our thoughts.”
Overcome Your Fear of Others by Fearing God[4] – “Our problem, like the Israelites, is we tend to focus on that which worries us such that we lose sight of God, fall into fear, and let it control us, not God.”
22 Benefits of Fearing God[5] – an older post worth reading again
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