by Paul Tautges | November 12, 2020 8:51 pm

BOOK DEAL: New Growth Press has the Small Book Devotions Bundle[1] of three books (anger, grief, anxiety) on sale 50% off. These little hardcovers make perfect gifts.

Pedaling the Gospel[2] – Gary Hallquist: “Grace is always in front. Daily focusing on who we are in Christ as a result of God’s grace is the pump that keeps the lead tire inflated properly.” This article is so good.

When Counselees Attack[3] – Joshua Zeichik: “The following are 8 lessons that I learned from the experience above and that I encourage you to reflect on the next time a counselee attacks you, whether they are a believer or a non-believer.”

You Know You Have Trashed a Conversation When[4] – Ed Welch: “We should keep a list of how our words have damaged relationships and undermined sensitive conversations. Our growth in wisdom depends on remembering and changing our foolish habits.”

The World and Everything in It[5] – My favorite daily news podcast.

  1. Small Book Devotions Bundle:
  2. Pedaling the Gospel:
  3. When Counselees Attack:
  4. You Know You Have Trashed a Conversation When:
  5. The World and Everything in It:

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