Hope + Help for Panic Attacks with Lucy Ann Moll

by Paul Tautges | March 12, 2021 1:01 am

In this episode of the Hope + Help PodcastChristine Chappell interviews Lucy Ann Moll about her mini-book, Help! I Get Panic Attacks[1]. Some of the questions addressed in this interview are:

• What does it feel like to have a panic attack? Why do some people get them?
• What does helpful care and support look like when someone is having a panic attack? What is unhelpful to say in the midst of an attack?
• What are realistic expectations for breaking free from debilitating cycles of fear?
• What can it look like to disciple someone who experiences panic attacks?
• When is it appropriate to get help for panic attacks, and what can “getting help” look like?
• How can God use our battles against panic to mature us as believers in Christ?

Hope + Help Podcast[2] · Hope + Help for Panic Attacks with Lucy Ann Moll[3]
  1. Help! I Get Panic Attacks: https://www.shepherdpress.com/products/help-i-get-panic-attacks/
  2. Hope + Help Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-646336915
  3. Hope + Help for Panic Attacks with Lucy Ann Moll: https://soundcloud.com/user-646336915/hope-help-for-panic-attacks-with-lucy-ann-moll

Source URL: https://counselingoneanother.com/2021/03/12/hope-help-for-panic-attacks-with-lucy-ann-moll/