Six New LifeLine Mini-Books Available for Pre-Order
by Paul Tautges | September 7, 2021 5:08 am
As the series editor for the LifeLine mini-books, it’s a joy to let you know that six more titles are now available for pre-order from Shepherd Press.
10:00 A.M. UPDATE: Shepherd Press just notified me that they have extended their Labor Day sale to September 11th. It is 20% off, site wide, even pre-orders. The coupon code is LABORDAY.
Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder[2] – If you’ve just been diagnosed with a mental disorder, you may be feeling overwhelmed and have all kinds of questions. In this mini-book, Christine Chappell writes out of her own experience of diagnosis and offers readers a redemptive perspective from which to begin processing their nuanced problems. Cautioning against a “fix it” mentality, she shows how the Scriptures provide stabilizing truths about our personhood, purpose, and potential for making God-glorifying progress during the challenging post-diagnosis journey.
Help! My Loved One Had a Stroke[4] – A mini-book written with understanding on the practical challenges of living with a loved one who has experienced a stroke.If your loved one has had a stroke, your life may have been turned upside down. Facing these radical life changes can be physically and emotionally exhausting. But you are not alone. This mini-book suggests ways you can get the support you need for both your loved one and yourself for the long haul. Above all, it points you to God’s loving purpose in suffering, and the hope and strength to be found in the gospel.
Help! I’m Being Manipulated[6] – Manipulation is a painful and destructive relational dynamic. Today we are often told to establish “boundaries” or get rid of “toxic relationships,” but this may not always be helpful or fulfill God’s command to love our neighbor. So how should we respond? This mini-book defines what manipulation is and the many ways it is expressed, and then sets out practical and biblical strategies for confronting it in a way that helps and shows love to the manipulator.
Help! I Want to Be a Loving Husband[8] – Marriage is tough! Many challenges in our world today make it difficult to be a godly, loving husband. But having a healthy, mutually satisfying, and happy marriage that honors God is possible! Working through the apostle Paul’s teaching to husbands in Ephesians 5, this mini-book offers biblical and practical ways husbands can grow in showing love that is sacrificial, sanctifying, strengthening and steadfast, to the happiness of their wives and the glory of God.
Help! I Have Parkinson’s Disease[10] – A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease may fill us with grief and doubts. We fear what life will look like in the future, for ourselves and for those closest to us. This mini-book sensitively explains how the gospel message brings joy, help, and courage, and directs us to find our hope, not in therapies that may relieve or delay symptoms, or even in an eventual cure, but in the solid and lasting promises of our heavenly Father. A mini-book written with understanding on the practical challenges of living with Parkinson’s Disease written by one diagnosed with Young Onset PD.
Help! Someone I Love Suffers from Traumatic Brain Injury[12] – If someone you know or love has suffered from traumatic brain injury (TBI), you are likely receiving a flood of information about what has just happened. This mini-book will help you navigate this new trial. Writing from personal experience, the author explains what TBI is, points to the hope of the gospel, gives advice for how to obtain the practical and spiritual help you need, and demonstrates how even this situation can bring glory to Christ.
TO VIEW ALL 53 TITLES IN THE LIFELINE MINI-BOOK SERIES, click here[13]. All mini-books are discounted in 5-packs. You may also order complete LLMB sets in bundles and save.
Help! Someone I Love Suffers from Traumatic Brain Injury:
Six New LifeLine Mini-Books Available for Pre-Order
by Paul Tautges | September 7, 2021 5:08 am
As the series editor for the LifeLine mini-books, it’s a joy to let you know that six more titles are now available for pre-order from Shepherd Press.
10:00 A.M. UPDATE: Shepherd Press just notified me that they have extended their Labor Day sale to September 11th. It is 20% off, site wide, even pre-orders. The coupon code is LABORDAY.
Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder[2] – If you’ve just been diagnosed with a mental disorder, you may be feeling overwhelmed and have all kinds of questions. In this mini-book, Christine Chappell writes out of her own experience of diagnosis and offers readers a redemptive perspective from which to begin processing their nuanced problems. Cautioning against a “fix it” mentality, she shows how the Scriptures provide stabilizing truths about our personhood, purpose, and potential for making God-glorifying progress during the challenging post-diagnosis journey.
Help! My Loved One Had a Stroke[4] – A mini-book written with understanding on the practical challenges of living with a loved one who has experienced a stroke.If your loved one has had a stroke, your life may have been turned upside down. Facing these radical life changes can be physically and emotionally exhausting. But you are not alone. This mini-book suggests ways you can get the support you need for both your loved one and yourself for the long haul. Above all, it points you to God’s loving purpose in suffering, and the hope and strength to be found in the gospel.
Help! I’m Being Manipulated[6] – Manipulation is a painful and destructive relational dynamic. Today we are often told to establish “boundaries” or get rid of “toxic relationships,” but this may not always be helpful or fulfill God’s command to love our neighbor. So how should we respond? This mini-book defines what manipulation is and the many ways it is expressed, and then sets out practical and biblical strategies for confronting it in a way that helps and shows love to the manipulator.
Help! I Want to Be a Loving Husband[8] – Marriage is tough! Many challenges in our world today make it difficult to be a godly, loving husband. But having a healthy, mutually satisfying, and happy marriage that honors God is possible! Working through the apostle Paul’s teaching to husbands in Ephesians 5, this mini-book offers biblical and practical ways husbands can grow in showing love that is sacrificial, sanctifying, strengthening and steadfast, to the happiness of their wives and the glory of God.
Help! I Have Parkinson’s Disease[10] – A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease may fill us with grief and doubts. We fear what life will look like in the future, for ourselves and for those closest to us. This mini-book sensitively explains how the gospel message brings joy, help, and courage, and directs us to find our hope, not in therapies that may relieve or delay symptoms, or even in an eventual cure, but in the solid and lasting promises of our heavenly Father. A mini-book written with understanding on the practical challenges of living with Parkinson’s Disease written by one diagnosed with Young Onset PD.
Help! Someone I Love Suffers from Traumatic Brain Injury[12] – If someone you know or love has suffered from traumatic brain injury (TBI), you are likely receiving a flood of information about what has just happened. This mini-book will help you navigate this new trial. Writing from personal experience, the author explains what TBI is, points to the hope of the gospel, gives advice for how to obtain the practical and spiritual help you need, and demonstrates how even this situation can bring glory to Christ.
TO VIEW ALL 53 TITLES IN THE LIFELINE MINI-BOOK SERIES, click here[13]. All mini-books are discounted in 5-packs. You may also order complete LLMB sets in bundles and save.
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