Reflections on Forty Years of Being Born Again

by Paul Tautges | December 29, 2024 11:36 am

In the early months of 1984, the Holy Spirit caused me to be born again in Christ through a home Bible study in the Gospel of John. In some ways, it’s hard to believe four decades have passed. In other ways, it seems the time has flown. So many life changes during that time stimulated reflection—from a single young man to a husband to a father to a pastor and now to a grandfather! Most of all, though, I’ve reflected on the new person I have become and am becoming, since I have a long way to go in growing in Christlikeness.

One morning last week, I opened an empty page in my journal and spent a couple of hours writing random one-sentence biblical principles or convictions that have become part of my thinking as a follower of Christ. It was a random, unorganized mind dump about salvation, sanctification, emotions, leadership, and the Christian life.

I grouped them into broad topics to make the list more presentable. As time goes on, for example, I will probably add to the list and create more categories such as marriage and parenting. But, for now, maybe one or more of these sentences will provoke thoughts of your own and encourage your growth in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

Genuine Salvation and Progressive Sanctification

The Word of God, Prayer, and Worship

Emotions and Suffering

Stewardship of Ministry and Leadership

Before Jesus found me forty years ago, I was longing for something—someone—to satisfy the inner longings that my sin had failed to meet. In my ignorant state, the Spirit of God moved toward me with an intruding grace to rescue and redeem me in Christ. And the drawing power of the heavenly Father overcame my wayward heart and brought me into his forever family. I am a work in progress, but God has promised to complete me in Christ. If you know Jesus, I am confident God will do the same for you (Phil. 1:6).

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