Nuggets – Marriage Counseling [2/21/13]

25 Years of Evangelizing My Husband – Paula Hendricks writes, “Looking at the negative aspects of my marriage had only produced despair—twenty-five years of whining to God about my righteousness in journals that I have since destroyed. Even Christian therapy had been reinforcing my case of ‘he-did’s.'” (HT: David Murray)

How do you counsel a husband who has revealed a struggle with pornography to his wife? – Brian Croft offers six practical ways that the husband can reestablish trust and intimacy with his hurting wife.

Building Intimacy with a Spouse who has Different Interests than Yours – David Powlison offers helpful counsel in this 16-minute video.

Don’t Waste Your Wedding – “Each one of us has a story that is part of God’s bigger story and Chris and I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight that for our guests. The wedding video was a tool that Chris and I used to communicate the story of God’s absolute sovereignty in our lives and the abundant grace he has shown us. Many of our guests were loved ones that we only get to see every few years. For many of them, we are not sure if they know Jesus.” [HT: Tim Challies]

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