The Patriarchy Movement: Five Grave Concerns – Finally, someone has written on this subject. As a pastor, I have witnessed the disastrous consequences in many families over years.

Parenting Boys – This is an excellent article written by our church’s Children’s Ministry director.

Birth Control Linked to Depression, New Study Says – “Among all hormonal birth control users in the study, there was a 40% increased risk of depression after six months, compared to women who did not use hormonal birth control, the researchers found.”

Lord, Whatever It Takes, Discipline Me – “But ‘when I became a man, I gave up childish ways’ of thinking about such discipline (1 Corinthians 13:11). Well, that’s an overstatement. However, I have learned to value the benefit of submitting to discipline far more than I did as a child and to welcome it — especially the discipline of the Lord. “

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