Nuggets on Marriage, Family, and Ministry [6/21/12]
Being able to do nothing more than sit in my recliner recovering from hernia surgery, I am catching up on reading articles I’ve printed off in the past few months. Here’s a selection that I personally found helpful to my ongoing need for growth as a husband, father, and pastor.
Embracing the Biblical Tension Between Family and Church Ministry– “God has a design for your family and ministry so that faithfulness in the family enhances faithfulness in the church, and faithfulness in the church enhances faithfulness in the family. These callings can seem to be in tension with one another, but it is a dynamic tension in which we can experience God’s goodness.”
No Longer Amazed by Grace – “He spoke matter-of-factly, probably not understanding the significance of his words, but I couldn’t get them out of my head. He was the head of a national ministry. He had lost his excitement, left only with duty to do the repetitive business of ministry day after day. What a sad and dangerous place to be!”
3 Reflections on Leading Your Family Well – “I was lying on the floor pushing Thomas the Tank Engine around his wooden track when I realized my young son had been speaking to me for the past 30 seconds, but I hadn’t listened to a word he had said.”
Leading in Love – “There is a lot of talk about what Complementarianism actually looks like as it works itself out in marriage. There are endless caricatures that make it little better than slavery, but Wayne Grudem shows something very different as he offers a very helpful glimpse into the inner workings of his own marriage.”
3 Posts on the Unique Challenges of Being a Pastor’s Wife – Here is the first article from Gloria Furman. Be sure to read all three.
Love Your Wife More than Seminary – “A sobering word, full of good counsel, from a man who put ministerial training above his marriage and lost his wife in pursuit of a degree.”