Tedd Tripp Announces the Launch of LifeLine Mini-Books
It is with joy and gratitude that I introduce to you the LifeLine mini-books published by Shepherd Press. Previously known as the Living in a Fallen World booklets (Day One Publications), these mini-books have earned the trust of the biblical counseling community as a reliable resource addressing common areas of struggle in the Christian life, as well as equipping us to minister more effectively to one another. Shepherd Press is updating and re-releasing 23 of the original titles and will expand the series considerably, with many more mini-books in preparation.
Here’s Tedd Tripp’s introductory announcement:
Shepherd Press is pleased to announce the publication of the LifeLine mini-book series. These unique books, larger and more robust than the typical counseling book, are still pocket-sized resources. LifeLine mini-books are a gospel-centered series written by people who are in the trenches of ministry. Each mini-book is practical and accessible, written for the person in the pew as well as for pastors and counselors. The mini-books address a broad range of Christian life and counseling issues, such as abuse, addiction, anger, finances, grief, qualities of a good church, military deployment, marital unfaithfulness, suicide, single parenting to name only a few.
These books demonstrate that biblical counsel can be made simple without becoming shallow. There is real meat here: robust analysis, honest assessment, rich gospel application and practical steps, all delivered in tidy mini-books that will not be overwhelming to God’s people. As blogger Tim Challies says, “These mini-books are exactly the kind of books you’d want to have available to you at church – short, biblical and inexpensive enough to give away.”
Nine LifeLine mini-books are now available in eBook format, and print editions are coming soon. More titles in this series are in production and will be available in the coming months.
The first 9 mini-books, released last week, include:
- HELP! I’m Being Deployed
- HELP! I Want to Change
- HELP! I’m a Single Mom
- HELP! I Have Breast Cancer
- HELP! My Spouse has been Unfaithful
- HELP! Someone I Love Has Cancer
- HELP! My Toddler Rules the House
- HELP! Someone I Love has been Abused
- HELP! He’s Struggling with Pornography
These 9 mini-books are now available at the Shepherd Press website. Be sure to also visit the series’ home site, www.lifelineminibooks.com, for detailed information on all 28 titles which are currently in various stages of preparation.