Creation-Category Idols and Resting In Our True Identity
In the past couple weeks, I have picked up one of Paul Tripp’s devotional books, A Shelter in the Time of Storm, and again my heart has been ministered to in simple, yet deep ways. God has gifted Paul Tripp with the ability to write heart-diagnosing words that are gentle, yet surgically helpful to the soul. Here’s an excerpt that the Spirit used to convict and edify, this morning:
Scriptures like Psalm 27 and Matthew 6:19-33 remind us that all the things for which a human being could live fall into two categories. The first category is the Creator category. When I am living for something in the Creator category, I’m living for what can be found only in God. It means my life is shaped and directed by my resting in the pursuit of his grace, glory, goodness, and plan on earth. Another name for this category is the kingdom of God.
The second category is the creation category. When I am living in the creation category, I’m seeking to find my identity, meaning, and purpose in something that has been created. So, I look to my job, friends, possessions, or a position to satisfy my heart. Another name for this is the kingdom of self.
What does all of this have to do with singles or fickleness of focus? It is only when I’m hooking my life to the glory and grace of God and getting my identity from him that I can truly live with singleness of focus for the long run. This is because it is only God who has the power to satisfy my heart. I was made for him. I was made to have my life shaped by an acknowledgement of his presence, a rest in his love, and an active allegiance to his purposes. When I live this way, my soul is satisfied and my heart is at rest.
[A Shelter in the Time of Storm may be purchased at Westminster Books in eBook and print copy.]