How Grace Should Impact Life in the Local Church

The grace of God that is brought to us through the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms us from the inside out, making us like Christ. Though conversion is a one-time event, life transformation (or sanctification) is a process that continues for a lifetime. That is the apostle’s focus in this part of the book of Titus. We saw this last week in Titus 2:11-14.
However, we often mistakenly think of transforming grace as being for us as individual believers only. But the point Paul now makes in verses 2:15-3:7 is that grace is meant to also transform our local congregations. Therefore, we find three more expectations, which impact our life corporately, as a family, as the body of Christ in a particular local church.
Respond to God’s leadership arrangement (2:15). God has delegated authority to church shepherds to carry out their responsibility of leading God’s sheep in the path of obedience. This is the purpose of their authority. Church elders are not to lord over the sheep, but shepherd them with grace. This does not mean, of course, they are to let unruly sheep walk all over them, or fearfully back down from wolves, since that would run contrary to their calling as guardians of the flock.
Recognize evidences of grace (3:1-3). Paul identifies three ongoing evidences that the grace of God is at work in a person’s heart and life: submissiveness, kindness, and humility.
Remember God’s kindness to you (vv. 4-7). Remember how gracious God has been to you. This will train you to be gracious toward one another in the local church.
Have you been radically changed by the gospel of grace? If so, then let me ask you another question: Is your understanding of grace impacting the way you relate to others in the church? Is grace evident in the way you think of others, the way you speak to them or about them? When we are gripped by the grace of God, it will radically impact life in the church.
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