RESOURCES: Gender Identity/Transgenderism
Here are some resources that may help you minister grace and truth to those who are struggling with gender identity. There are many more Resource List links in the right-hand margin of this homepage.
- Affirming God’s Image: Addressing the Transgender Question with Science and Scripture (Alan Branch)
- Does God Care about Gender Identity? (Samuel Ferguson)
- Explaining LGBTQ+ Identity to Your Child: Biblical Guidance and Wisdom (Tim Geiger)
- Help! Our Child Identifies as Transgender (Vanessa Alabarces)
- Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story (Christopher Yuan)
- Transgender: Christian Compassion, Convictions and Wisdom for Today’s Big Issues (Vaughan Roberts)
- God and the Transgender Debate (Andrew Walker)
- What Does the Bible Teach about Transgenderism: A Short Book on Personal Identity (Owen Strachan and Gavin Peacock)
- Your Child Says, “I’m Gay” (Tim Geiger)
- God Made Boys and Girls (Marty Machowski)
- Everyday Talk about Sex and Marriage (John Younts)
- Gender: A Conversation Guide for Parents and Pastors (Brian Seagraves, Hunter Leavine)
- Rewriting Gender? You, Your Family, Transgenderism and the Gospel (David Martin)
- Designer Gender or Gender Designer? (Paul Tautges)
- Eight Theses That Help Us Think Biblically About Transgenderism (James Anderson, RTS)
- Redeeming Sexuality (Cornerstone Community Church conference)
- Transgender Confusion and Transformational Christianity (Heath Lambert)
- Four Reasons the Bible Does Not Support Transgenderism (Kevin DeYoung)
- John Wants to Be Jane: 3 Ways to Counsel a Gender-Confused Child.” (Tim Geiger)
- The Transgender Conversation You Need to Have with Your Family (Tim Challies)
- Training Our Kids in a Culture that Affirms Transgenderism (Denny Burk)
Related Resource List: RESOURCES: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Attraction