Using Psalm 51 as a Guide to Confessing Your Sin

The history of Ohio, the state where I live and serve as a pastor, contains the account of the Cuyahoga River Fire of 1969, which is one of the most significant fires in history. On the morning of June 22, 1969, an oil slick on the river caught fire. Though it burned for only half an hour, the blaze caught the nation’s attention. The following year, Time magazine featured the fire in its cover article, which sparked an ecological conversation that resulted in the founding of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Another article employs vivid language to describe the condition of the river at that time: “The water was nearly always covered in oil slicks, and it bubbled like a deadly stew. Sometimes rats floated by, their corpses so bloated they were practically the size of dogs.”1 The author of the article says this was “disturbing,”—yet much more disturbing than environmental contamination is the pollution that sin brings to our hearts.

How can we experience the cleansing mercy of God in a real, life-changing way? Psalm 51 serves as an effective guide. Continue reading full post here …

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