Nuggets on Gender Issues [6/28/12]

Sexual Design Lectures & Gay Protestors – Justin Taylor directs us to a couple videos covering how Doug Wilson’s recent teaching at Indiana University was received.

A Review of ‘The Excellent Wife‘ – “This book is an excellent resource for Christian wives and women preparing for marriage. I wish I had read it in the months prior to my wedding day.”

Victory? The Triumphant Gay Revolution – “…as we tend to learn more from our defeats than our successes, it’s worth using this book to conduct a post-mortem on why the Church has lost so many battles in this fight.”

Does Christianity Have a Masculine Feel? – “I believe it is a category mistake to say that Christianity is either masculine or feminine just as it would be a category mistake to say that Christianity is Caucasian or African-American or young or old.”

The Church and Homosexuality: Ten Commitments – “Here are ten commitments I hope Christians and churches will consider making in their heads and hearts, before God and before a watching world.”

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