RESOURCES: Domestic Abuse
Here’s another recommended Resource List as you minister grace and truth. There are many more list links in the right-hand margin of this homepage.
- Abuse: Finding Hope in Christ (John Henderson)
- Bad Memories: Getting Past Your Past (Robert Jones)
- HELP! I Can’t Forgive (Jim Newcomer)
- HELP! I Can’t Handle All These Trials (Joel James)
- HELP! I Feel Ashamed (Sue Nicewander)
- HELP! I’m Being Manipulated (Brian Sayers)
- HELP! My Parents Abused Me when I was a Kid (Joshua Zeichik)
- HELP! Our Sex Life Is Troubled by Past Abuse (Nate Brooks, Anna Mondal)
- HELP! Someone I Love has been Abused (Jim Newheiser)
- How to Handle Trouble (Jay Adams)
- How to Overcome Evil (Jay Adams)
- Recovering from Child Abuse (David Powlison)
- Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes (Bob Kellemen)
- Uncovering Domestic Abuse (Timothy St. John)
- Why Me? (David Powlison)
- Debilitated and Diminished: Help for Christian Women in Emotionally Abusive Marriages (Anne Dryburgh)
- Good News for Victims of Rape (Anne Dryburgh)
- If You Ever Meet a Grown-Up Bully (David Bradford Lee) – Children’s book
- Is It Abuse? (Darby Strickland)
- Is It My Fault? (Justin and Lindsey Holcomb)
- It’s Not Fair! (Wayne Mack and Deborah Howard)
- On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse in the Church (Deepak Reju)
- Putting Your Past in its Place (Steve Viars)
- Rid of My Disgrace (Justin & Lindsey Holcomb) – Small group discussion guide
- Shame Interrupted (Ed Welch)
- The Creaking on the Stairs: Finding Faith in God through Childhood Abuse (Mez McConnell)
- The Abusive Wife: Ministering the Contentious Woman (David Edgington)
- The Emotionally Abusive Husband: Its Effects and How to Overcome Them in Christ (Anne Dryburgh)
- The Emotionally Abusive Mindset: Its Effects and How to Overcome Them in Christ (Anne Dryburgh)
- The Emotionally Abusive Parent: Its Effects and How to Overcome Them in Christ (Anne Dryburgh)
- Treasure in the Ashes: Our Journey Home from the Ruins of Sexual Abuse (Nicewander, Brookins)
- Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts (Jerry Bridges)
- (Un)ashamed: Christ’s Transforming Hope for Rape Victims (Anne Dryburgh)
- When Home Hurts: A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church (Pierre and Wilson)
- A Painful Past: Healing and Moving Forward, 31-Day Devotional (Lauren Whitman)
- Overcoming Emotional Abuse: 40 Days in the Word of God (Anne Dryburgh)
- Shame: Being Known and Loved, 31-Day Devotional (Esther Liu)
- 9 Ways to Protect Your Children from Sexual Abuse (Justin and Lindsey Holcomb)
- A Call to Raise Daughters Wise to Domestic Abuse (Jeremy Pierre)
- A Response to Wayne Grudem’s Paper on a Third Reason for Divorce (Greg Gifford)
- A Theology-Informed Approach to Sexual Abuse (Bob Kellemen)
- Committed to Care (ACBC)
- Counseling Men Accused of Abuse (Jim Newheiser)
- The Abuse Pendulum (Four-part series by Jim Newheiser)
- The Unrepenting Repenter (Jim Elliff)
- The Weaponization of Trauma (audio conference session by Darby Strickland)
- Two Truths and a Lie about Caring for the Abused (Timothy St. John)
- Hope + Help for Responding to Abuse with Jeremy Pierre & Greg Wilson (IBCD)
- PeaceWorks (Chris Moles)
- Domestic Abuse Observation DVDs (IBCD)
- Peaceworks (Chris Moles)