NUGGETS (10/21/15)

I didn’t realize it had been so long, but it’s been over a year since I posted a Nuggets page. The decision to stop was intentional; I simply could not keep up and decided that if I could not do something consistently that it was better to not do it at all. But I’ve recently decided to carve out a little time to read current articles and blog posts and pass on to you the ones that have personally benefited me and, therefore, may also encourage and equip you for discipleship. This won’t happen every day, I know, but I will post some nuggets when I can. Here’s three articles that I read this morning.

Interview with Denny Burk, author of “Transforming Homosexuality” – “So our desires have a moral component to them that is taught in both the Old and New Testaments, and if you’re desire is contrary to God’s will, then your desire can become something that you need to repent of. That applies to all sinful desires, and that includes same-sex desires.”

A Tribute to My Friend, John Kohlenberger – Randy Alcorn wrote this memoir in honor of his friend and noted Bible scholar. “John and I met when we were both very young Christians. He told me he was afraid that because he’d done drugs before his conversion, his mind might be permanently damaged. Since he became one of the greatest intellects I’ve known, and a world-class expert in Hebrew and Greek, I used to kid him that if his mind was damaged I’d hate to have seen it undamaged!”

Overcoming Discouragement in Ministry – Nicholas Batzig writes, “The cry of the minister’s heart must ever be, ‘He must increase, I must decrease.’ The ministries to which we have been called by God are not for our own glory.”

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