Nuggets of Wisdom

Thirteen Benefits of Church-Based Biblical Counseling – This is a wonderful 2-part article from Robert Jones, heralding the philosophy embedded here at Counseling One Another. While there, spend some time checking out BCC’s brand new website.

The Character of the Christian: Gentle – After defining gentleness, Tim Challies asks four questions:

  • When someone wrongs you, are you prone to lash out in anger? If so, does that anger express itself physically, verbally, or both?
  • Are people afraid to confront sin in your life because they fear your anger or your cutting words? Do your wife and children fear you?
  • Would your friends and family say that you are gentle? Would they say that you treat them with tenderness?
  • Do you like to play the devil’s advocate? Do you like a good argument? What would your social media presence indicate?

How to Lead God’s Family with Care – Women’s ministry leader, Leslie Bennett, describes wise, caring leadership. Every trait she mentions should be practiced by all who “do counseling.”

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