Nuggets of Wisdom – 3/2/16

When Affliction Is Stacked – An excellent article about the cumulative impact of cumulative trials. I found this article a few months ago, and continue to use it when encouraging believers who are suffering trials.

5 Truths We’re Keeping from Our Youth Groups – Another good one from the Cripplegate blog.

For the Ladies: Feminine Beauty: The Outside, the Inside, and God’s Design – “I have no idea what motivated Sarandon or the other women to reveal themselves in this way. I do know that we miss the point if we think this is only about flesh exposure. Our words and conduct reveal our hearts….The outside exposes the inside.”

Sin, Sanctification, and the Truth about Slavery – “Sin, it turns out, is just as progressive as sanctification, yet one of its grandest delusions is that it can be managed.”

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