Three Promises God Wants You to Trust
Jeremiah prophesied to the southern kingdom of Judah before and as the people were taken away to Babylon by king Nebuchadnezzar. Chapter 32 of this prophetic book, which I preached last Sunday, is the center of a three-chapter section in which God gives hope through prophecies of restoration. “I will bring back” is the key phrase. Here Jeremiah reminds the people that, though judgment is coming, God will keep the promise he made to their fathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
This chapter reveals three ways God wants you to trust His promise-keeping character.
- Trust God’s promise to watch over His Word (vv. 1-15).
- Trust God’s promise to discipline those He loves (vv. 16-35).
- Trust God’s promise to never turn away from those who belong to Him (vv. 36-44).