8 Books that Helped Me in 2018

My reading goal for 2018 was 34 books, but I did not make it. But from the 27 that I was able to finish, here are eight that impacted me. They are listed in no particular order.
Psalms By the Day: A New Devotional Translation (Alec Motyer) – I used this for my daily devotions, through the book of Psalms, and was so blessed.
Graciousness: Tempering Truth with Love (John Crotts) – This little book is unique and super helpful! This gentle, yet challenging, book models its subtitle so well.
Feelings and Faith (Brian S. Borgman) – This is an important practical theology of our emotions, as related to our walk with God.
Saving Eutychus (Gary Miller, Phil Campbell) – A simple, but really helpful refresher on preaching.
How Does Sanctification Work? – This is David Powlison doing what he does best, helping us think more deeply about the way the Spirit sanctifies us (without formulas).
Hillbilly Elegy – This #1 New York Times bestseller is a raw memoir offering insight into the struggles of America’s white working class.
Rescuing Ambition (Dave Harvey) – This is a refreshing book, which redeems godly ambition to do great things for God, and distinguishes it from selfish motivation.
The Call: Finding and Fulfilling Your Central Purpose in Life (Os Guinness) – This book helped me to reflect on God’s calling and gifting.