I Am the Lover of My Home (for husbands) – Ron Allchin: ” The lover role comes before the leadership role! Husbands are to set the atmosphere for LOVE in their own home.”

Life As a Wife (for wives) – Sherry Allchin: “God always has a plan, and everything He does has a purpose. Even the order of Creation indicates God’s design that Adam was to relate vertically to God first before he had a counterpart with horizontal relations.”

Four Words that Describe Today’s Pre-Teen Girls – Dannah Gresh: “What if I told you that instead of being insecure, anxious, confused, and deceptive that your daughter could grow up to be confident, peaceful, and truthful?”

The Particular Temptations of Young Men – Tim Challies: “I love to spend time with young men, to counsel them, and to assure them that this time in their lives has great significance. As we speak, I find a number of common temptations they face while passing through their teens and twenties.”

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