A Heart Check-Up on Credit Card Dependency
On Sunday afternoons, I’m leading a 4-week discussion on financial freedom. Last Sunday, our group of about twenty “personal freedom fighters” discussed five of the most common causes of unjustifiable debt.

- Wrong priorities
- Idolatry
- Covetousness
- Lack of contentment
- Lack of self-control
Then we discussed the following heart check-up questions based on our Bible study. If $ debt is a heavy burden you are currently carrying, I encourage you to walk through this heart check-up yourself.
READ Matthew 6:19–33. In what specific ways have your priorities been wrong? What are some of the “rotten fruits” of worry, self-sufficiency, and idolatry that you see in your present situation? Who are the people who have been affected the most?
READ 1 Timothy 6:6–10. Write out your own definition of “contentment.” In what ways is covetousness the opposite of contentment?
READ Proverbs 25:28. What safeguards (“walls”) can you immediately place into your life to help you cultivate self-control (e.g. don’t go grocery shopping when you are hungry, leave your credit card(s) at home)?
READ Proverbs 30:7–9. What do these verses teach us about contentment? Write out this passage in your own words, as your own prayer to God.
These check-up questions are from HELP! I’m Drowning in Debt. Perhaps you, too, should consider leading a small group in your church through it.